Gaza Under Attack
As Muslims all over the world celebrate the end of the holy month of Ramadan and the beginning of Eid Ul Fitr, the Israeli Occupation Forces have made their presence clear in the Gaza Strip. The latest round of Israeli war crimes in Gaza has resulted in the brutal killings of 25 Palestinians, including 10 children, an elderly woman and a disabled man. Civilian houses have also been targeted by American-made F16s and Elbit drones. This massacre comes at a time while the world’s eyes are focused on the crime of ethnic cleansing taking place in Jerusalem, and at a time when Palestinians in Jerusalem and in other Palestinian cities are waging a growing civil resistance to Israel’s colonial plans of eviction and judaization.
This also comes after 14 years of a medieval siege, a form of collective punishment which has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of civilians. According to the UN, about half the strip’s 2 million people no longer have access to fresh water, because Israel has been restricting fuel supplies, which in turn halts pumps and reduces electricity production. This has created an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in the impoverished Strip and denies the population their most fundamental human right – the right to life.
We condemn in the strongest possible terms these genocidal crimes and call upon all civil society organizations and freedom loving people to act immediately to put pressure on their governments to demand that the rogue state of Israel stop its genocidal war against the Palestinians of Gaza.
We call on the international community to exert pressure on the Israel to conduct itself within the boundaries of international humanitarian law and ensure the protection of all Palestinian civilians. We also demand the immediate halt of the Israeli Occupation Forces’ attacks on the Gaza Strip and an end to the closure and isolation of the Strip.
The One Democratic State Campaign – ODSC