Palestinian youth from within the Green Line, organized by the Youth Movement, took to the streets today to protest the killing of Palestinians on both sides on the “Green Line .” The protestors denounced the ugly crime committed by the Zionist forces in Jerusalem last Saturday, killing the young man Iyad Hallaq who lived with autism syndrome. This operation came one day after the killing of Fadi Qaad in Southern Ramallah. The protestors chanted for the martyrs and prisoners, demanding an end to the colonial system. They called for the liberation of Palestine and the return of refugees. The protest was held in solidarity with the Black struggle in the US against police killings of African-Americans and for racial and economic justice. Together we confront the violence of the Zionist colonial regime and the American Empire, as well as the predatory capitalism that drives racism, poverty, and the marginalization of billions of working and poor people. We greet our comrades in the struggle for Palestinian rights and in remembrance of our martyrs. We stand with our comrades struggling against racialized capitalism in the US. We stand with our comrades in the Arab world in their struggle for self-determination and democracy.
Join us next Tuesday in Haifa: Same time, same place
Long live Palestine, Democratic and Free, from the river to the sea.